Despite our search for a fellow civilisation, humanity continues its solitary journey in the Cosmos. This is our Story, the Human Tale.
Our saga began 13.5 billion years ago ― the cosmological, geological, natural, biological, anthropological, spirititual, social, mental and technological evolution shaped the landscape we find ourselves today. Being conscious of this route, brings us closer to fathom the facets of our culture in this turning point of history.
Knowing who we are, we can feel at last peaceful ― and then, start ponder where are we going.
Narrated by Akou.
Organized as a 1-day or 2-days workshop.
Participation is always free. Support is always appreciated.
The story of a place there where the sun rises, on the border of the land with the dreamworld. Without a doubt, nowhere does man live closer to his dreams, than on the big bay of Brahmamama...
Narrated by Akou.
Hopefully ready soon.
Episodes in life happen and pass unnoticed, then years later emerge as pivotal in the shaped course. Life changing events come to elucidate moments, that sparkle and vibrate in chorus.
Narrated by Akou.
Short anecdotes from the personal diary accompanied by soundscapes.
The music exists before we start listening to it and after we stop. We simply tune in to its frequency for a while, but it circulates before and after our receiver is turned on. We sail with the waters of the river for a while ― its current carries us unquestionably, but it extends beyond the limits of our journey.
An improvisational music performance on a prepared stage.
Art installation, theme & improvisation by the group Floating Plains.
Akou [Athanasios Koutsonas] was born in Athens in 1981. He grew up studying music and mathematics, after which he traveled. Completing his diploma in computer science and his PhD thesis in abstract mathematics, he turned to writing and narrating his tales, while music remains a constant focus.
In 2017 he co-founded the cooperative free space of Cycladia in Naxos. In 2020 he started the non-profit organization Light & Earth and the annual gathering of CLEF (Cycladic Light & Earth Festival). In 2021 he co-created the music label Positive Island Records.
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